Welcome to CDONs Open APIs
Here you can find an overview over the open Apis offered by CDON. This is a proof of concept and is open for all.
In the future you may have to register to get access.
CDON is today the Nordic region's largest online marketplace with operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. CDON offers a wide range assortment that includes over 8 millions of products. In 2019, CDON had over 100 million visitors and 2 million active customers. CDON has 1300 merchants connected to our platform. We strive to be the most convenient marketplace for customers and merchants in the digital arena.
Our high pace and organizational culture encourages outstanding accomplishments, where drive and willpower can take you very far. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to work together with our 130 driven and competent employees.
Categories and their attributes. Contains both CDON categories and Google Categories.
Powered by Azure API Management.